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Paper Quilling - more fringe flowers

I like to make Paper Quilling articles. There is so much to do in this craft. Every time you can try out new ideas and explore your creativity.

As I had said in my earlier post, that I will try to make fringe flowers in a different way. So here's what I have tried to make. I love to make paper quilling flower arrangement on envelopes and cards. So this time again, I have arranged these flowers on envelopes.

1) To make this flower, I have used 1cm paper quilling strip.

2) Take two colour 1cm ( 10mm) strips and glued their ends ( first orange then red, again orange and red colour strip). Then fringe your strips and start to make coil from orange colour strip.

3) After completing your coil, then stick the end. Open the fringes outward with your fingers. Your two colour paper quilling fringe flower is ready.

You can try different arrangement, according to your wish.

In this envelope, again I have used two different colour paper quilling strips. I have taken white and blue colour strips. Procedure to make this flower is same as above. I have first coiled white strip followed by blue.

If you also like to do Paper quilling, then try to make your own paper quilling flowers. They are easy to make.

Happy Quilling!!

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