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Quilled flowers and butterflies and clay flowers

These are some images of Hair accessories made last year...Quilled flowers and butterflies and clay flowers. Please feel free to contr…

Quilled hat hairclips

Quilled hat hairclips: I have used 3mm quilling strips to make hats and roses. Added glitter balls to highlight the hat. Please feel free to c…

Felt and Foam Hair Pretties ( Hair-clips)

Foam and Felt Hair Pretties ( Hair-clips ): Foam and Felt flowers used to make these pretty hair-clips. Gifting them to my daughters friends on the…

Hair-clips with Quilled flowers

Hair-clips with Quilled flower: Please feel free to contribute and suggest any of your ideas. Your suggestion and comments will always b…

Foam flowers: Hairclips

Kids hair accessories: These flowers are made from craft foam sheets. They are available in various bright colours. Please …