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Quilled Project: Quilled Eccentric coil flowers..

Hello and welcome to another article on Kalanirmitee. To create a Quilled Eccentric coil flowers, we need following material: 1.Paper base: Of…

Quilled Flowers

Hello and welcome to another article on Kalanirmitee. To create a paper quilled flowers, we need following material: 1. Paper base: Blue c…

Quilled Minaiture: Bal Ganesh

Another attempt to make Quilled miniature of Lord Ganesha in a different way. This time it's Bal Ganesh. I have used 3mm, 5mm and 10mm quilling…

Quilled Butterflies....

Quilled Butterflies....ready to fly! Please feel free to contribute and suggest any of your ideas. Your suggestion and comments will always b…

Quilled Butterfly

Quilled Butterfly: Please feel free to contribute and suggest any of your ideas. Your suggestion and comments will always be welcome. Hope you…

Quilled Cartoon Magnets

Quilled Animal Cartoon Magnets: Please feel free to contribute and suggest any of your ideas. Your suggestion and comments will always be welc…

Quilled Birthday Card..

Quilled Birthday Card.. Please feel free to contribute and suggest any of your ideas. Your suggestion and comments will always be welcome. Hop…