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Paper Quilling: Quilled portrait

Beautiful girl- Quilled portrait: These days I am trying to do more portraits in Quilling. Wanted to be perfect in facial expressions/features in …

Paper Quilling: Cute Kitty

Quilled Cat : completed this quilled cat in 3hrs. I have used 3mm quilling strips for this project. I found this image on net and loved it because o…

Quilled jewellery sets

Quilled jewellery sets: 3mm quilling strips are used( for jewellery I mostly use 3mm quilling) strips. Loved these 3 sets of Jewellery - bright and…


Hi! It's a great surprise!! I am honoured to receive this award from smita . I love her quilled creations.Thank you, Smita for appreciating my…

More Quilled Jewellery

Quilled jewellery sets: pair of earrings,pendant,ring and brooch. I had gifted my cousin few quilled earrings which she liked. And soon she placed…

Quilled jewellery

Quilled Jewellery set : Pair of earrings, pendant, ring, brooch. Please feel free to contribute and suggest any of your ideas. Your suggest…

Happy Diwali!!!

May this festival of lights brings good health,wealth, happiness and prosperous life for you and your family. Happy Diwali!!!

Lamasa craft: flowers

Here are some clay flowers, I made and arranged it on hair-clips. Clay used to make flowers is Lamasa clay. Some people also call it "cold proc…

Paper quilled earrings

These are some earrings, I made last week. For 1st three earrings,I have used 3mm black quilling strips. After assembling the quilled parts into a e…

Quilled small cards and envelopes

I had participated in Pre-diwali fair (small exhibition). Got great response for my quilling work. I made small cards(2" by 4"),envelopes,…